Thyroid Support - Reviews

Thyroid Support

average rating 100%
Amazing 01/17/2023
By Ida Milić-Quevedo
Thank you Dr. Foster! The tincture is working. Slowly but surely! I can say that my hair is not falling off as much, my nails are much better and so are my energy levels. My weight has been pretty steady. I am still taking my pills but hopefully soon I can lower the dose.
average rating 100%
thyroid 01/09/2023
By Sue Boatman
My feet are warmer. Yippee. So are my hands. My irregular heart
beat has stopped. Huge Yippee
average rating 100%
Amazing 11/18/2022
By Ida Milić-Quevedo
I definitely recommend this tincture! I have seen the difference in the way I feel and go about my activities throughout the day. Very grateful for this remedy!
average rating 100%
Expect success! 02/11/2018
By MarilynH
Just wanted to tell you as an example of how good Dr Cynthia Fosters essentials are. I have been on hypothyroid meds for a few years and never can get my levels to stabilize. I started gaining weight back in January After loosing 40 lbs since 10/01/2017. My hair was shedding by the handfuls. I used a product called Actalin by MedixSelect but that only helped my fatigue a little. Kept taking my Rx Levothyroxine during my trials with other supplements. Last week I got a bottle of Dr Fosters Thyroid Support (http://www.drfostersessentials.com/store/thyroid-support.php#sthash.DeZh6UdY.7d4Scn3k.dpbs) and after one day of use I have less hair falling out! Depression increased, fatigue worse, low temps. My temperature usually runs 97.1-97.5 when my Thyroids running sluggish My temp is up a little now too 97.8 -98.3
Just thought I’d let you know why I have confidence in your products!. ERLEA
thyroid-support-2in Thyroid Support SKU: 700134
"Low thyroid can cause fatigue, high cholesterol, depression, dry skin, coarse hair, cold hands and feet, intolerance to cold, water retention, sluggish thinking and other health issues. The thyroid needs many nutrients to support its function. Many types of seaweed such as Irish Moss, bladderwrack and dulse can help supply natural absorbable iodine and are specific for the thyroid.

The iodine in this formula is completely food and herb-based, safe, and cannot cause any harm. Because of this, it is different from taking potassium iodide tablets and iodine solutions which are synthetic and can be harmful in large enough doses.

This formula has cumulative effects - the longer you take it, the more it helps rebuild and replenish. This is not a glandular that replaces what you've lost and then shuts off your own natural thyroid hormone production. These are herbs and nutrients that, over time, help your own thyroid function on its own.