Cardiovascular Docu-Class
The Cardiovascular Docu-Class brings together leading Cardiovascular Health Experts, including Cardiologists, Osteopathic Doctors and Natural Health Practitioners to discuss the root causes of heart disease and what can be done naturally to help.
From palpitations to cholesterol buildup, it includes 49 interviews - a wealth of empowering information for so many issues affecting the heart! Jonathan Landsman, the host of this Docu-Class, interviews top experts who cover diet, lifestyle, supplements and other natural healing strategies you can use to dramatically improve your heart health.
It's airing for FREE starting February 27, 2024.

to go to their website and register with your name and email.
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from top doctors! (If you happen to miss the free airing, they have several packages available for purchase including videos, transcripts and books so that you can watch and learn at your leisure.)
Episodes with Jonathan Landsman and Cynthia Foster, MD
Herbs and Cleanses Mentioned During the Docu-Class:
Disclaimer: All information provide is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness.
Notice: many blood pressure medications raise uric acid levels and can cause gout. If you have gout, ask your Dr. about a change in medication or try to lower your blood pressure naturally so that you no longer need the medication.
Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally:
Clearing Away Arterial Plaque
Note: if you are currently taking aspirin or prescription blood thinners, they are DANGEROUS and could cause you serious harm. For more info, see this article on the
dangers of aspirin and prescription blood thinning medications). If you are taking these medications and eat too much garlic or even the wrong food, you can have a serious life-threatening bleed. They do NOT combine well with herbs, either. Proteolytic enzymes are far safer and protect you just as much as those medications and without the serious side effects. Many people get off of these medications and onto a proteolytic enzyme instead such as nattokinase or lumbrokinase. Proteolytic enzymes are safe and combine well with herbs, and then you can start really detoxifying and actually healing your body instead of just simply "thinning your blood" or hoping it will just "get better with time."
You need to understand the root cause of why your blood is too thick so that you don't have to take the proteolytic enzymes for the rest of your life, either. Your blood is too thick because your liver is clogged with toxins that came over from the colon. When you do colon and liver cleanses, do an herbal liver and blood cleanse, and change over to an organic whole foods diet with adequate water intake, your blood can naturally and permanently thin out - WITHOUT aspirin or prescription blood thinners. We can't give "medical advice" but if it were me and if I was facing a decision where a doctor wanted to put me on prescription blood thinning medication, I would decline the prescription blood thinner and choose the natural proteolytic enzyme formula 100% of the time. Then I would go on a serious liver cleanse and take some blood cleansing herbs to get all of the years of accumulated cholesterol and excess fats and triglycerides out of my arteries.
Irregular Heartbeat Remedies:
Note: if you are currently taking aspirin or prescription blood thinners, they are DANGEROUS and could cause you serious harm. If you eat too much garlic or even the wrong food, you can have a serious life-threatening bleed. They do NOT combine well with herbs, either. You can thin your blood naturally and safely by understanding WHY your blood is thick rather than simply take the "one thing" that thins it out. Your blood is too thick because your body is overwhelmed with toxins coming from your gut and your liver. When you clean out these toxins, and change over to an organic whole foods diet with adequate water intake, your blood can naturally and permanently thin out - WITHOUT aspirin or prescription blood thinners. You can also use proteolytic enzymes such as nattokinase, serrapeptase and lumbrokinase to thin out the blood until you can get the toxins cleared out. Proteolytic enzymes are safe and combine well with herbs. Do not combine proteolytic enzymes with prescription blood thinners. Basically, don't combine prescription blood thinners with anything.
- Recommended Diet - Free of Caffeine and Processed Foods
- Healthy Heart Formula - highly concentrated liquid herbal extract
- Open Heart Essential Oil Blend - rub one drop on chest area to relieve discomfort
- Colon Cleanse - the home herbal cleanse kit to help clear away colon toxins aggravating the small intestine meridian affecting heart.
- How to Know if You Need a Colon Cleanse - Learn the Hidden Signs and Symptoms of Toxins in the Colon.
- Earth's Nutrition Powder - green powder you can mix in a smoothie. Contains spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, barley grass, alfalfa grass and other nutrients to help rebuild healthy heart cells and red blood cells. Helps provide energy and mental clarity, alertness and focus without caffeine.
- Adrenal Support - adaptogenic formula containing maca, suma and other rainforest herbs that help give energy without caffeine. Can help the body adapt to stressful situations and stressful environment. Can also help low adrenal function, blood sugar regulation, and chronic fatigue.
- Immune Valor - Contains rhodiola and other adaptogenic herbs to help body adapt to stressful situations and environment. Makes immune system more efficient, protects against catching infections and can help chronic fatigue.
- Femme Pause - remedy for women in menopause who have heart palpitations. Can also use Healthy Heart Formula while taking this formula.
- Liver Cleanse - all of the herbal formulas together in a kit to do your own cleanse at home. Toxins in the are a cause of high cholesterol.
- How to Know if You Need a Liver Cleanse Learn the Hidden Signs and Symptoms of Toxicity in the Liver
- Liver Cleanse Instructions - to do in your own home.
Best of Lung Health:
- Recommended Diet - Free of Caffeine and Processed Foods
- ALRG Oil - Ammi Visnaga, Blue Chamomile and other essential oils to open up breathing passages and reduce or stop wheezing. Rub one drop on chest daily or as needed.
- Germ Shield - use 6 drops in a pan of hot water with towel over head or in a personal steam inhaler to open up breathing.
- Colon Cleanse - the home herbal cleanse kit to help clear away colon toxins aggravating the lung meridian
- How to Know if You Need a Colon Cleanse - Learn the Hidden Signs and Symptoms of Toxins in the Colon.
- Lung Support - highly concentrated liquid extract containing herbs that open up breathing and assist respiration. Contains pleurisy root, elecampane, osha root and other herbs.
Learn all of the herbs, formulas and techniques Dr. Foster uses to help heal her clients from various heart and lung issues. Don't miss the following books she wrote for the Cardiovascular Docu-Class:
You can purchase those in one of the Cardiovascular Docu-Class packages that includes all of their videos as well as books and transcripts.
CLICK HERE for more info.
Find out the root causes behind why you're sick and the natural healing protocols you can use at home to heal yourself. All of Dr. Foster's natural healing protocols for over 400 health issues in eBook format. Click on the book below to view:
About Cynthia Foster, MD
Cynthia Foster, MD is a conventionally trained medical doctor who has been using herbs and natural healing techniques for over 20 years. Listening to the needs of her patients, and discovering that vitamins and herbs were usually not enough to heal serious issues, she formulated her own brand of highly concentrated herbal remedies, cleanses and essential oil blends (Dr. Foster’s Essentials) to help her patients with mild to severe health issues such as allergies, asthma, sinus infections, ear infections, chronic fatigue, low thyroid, overactive thyroid, brain fog, low sex drive, anemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, macular degeneration, hepatitis, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, constipation, colitis, acid reflux, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, candida overgrowth, parasites, and more.
She developed an interest in natural healing while suffering from epilepsy during her medical training that caused her to have up to 2 seizures per day for almost 4 years until she found the natural cure. Using only natural methods as her treatment, the seizures went into complete remission, and she has been seizure-free for over 20 years. Her first book Stop the Medicine¬ tells the inspirational and miraculous story of her recovery as well as giving a shocking behind-the-scenes look at the Modern Medical Establishment. In her search for healing, she traveled the world learning and incorporating natural methods including herbal detox, natural supplements, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, energy healing, qi gong, mind-body medicine, therapeutic yoga, meditation, shamanic healing, juice fasting and therapeutic foods.
A highly sought after speaker and university instructor, she has lectured worldwide on a wide range of topics from the use of herbs to therapeutic yoga to conventional medicine classes for acupuncture students. YogaEd counted her as an important participant in teaching yoga to school teachers as part of a pilot program to introduce yoga into the Los Angeles public school system. She has been interviewed numerous times on radio programs and mentioned in the press as well as featured in magazines, newspapers, and on television. She is the author of the books, Stop the Medicine, Liver cleanse Action Guide, Kidney Cleanse Action Guide, Top 21 Liver Healing Recipes, Rescue Your Heart, Breathe Better, Rescue Your Heart Recipes, Natural Healing Protocols. Upcoming book projects include how to Heal Your Thyroid Naturally and Cancer Action Guide. A third book that has been in the works is a book describing how to use herbs and natural healing techniques to overcome life-threatening, chronic and incurable health issues.
Additional Free Information Below:
List of Health Concerns
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