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Digestive System
- Purifies the intestines. In conjunction with Vibrant Colon, helps to remove the mucoid plaque layer that accumulates in the colon over the years and causes ill health.
- Works on the stomach, small intestine and large intestines
- This soothing and cooling formula is a must for the medicine cabinet to counteract food poisoning.
- Absorbs heavy metals, medication residues, microbial toxins, excess cholesterol, and many types of radioactive residues
- A formula for deep cleansing/ regeneration of the stomach and entire intestinal tract
- Dr. Foster has been using this formula for over 25 years to help her clients heal from leaky gut. Slippery elm, flax seed and marshmallow root are amazing mucilaginous herbs that help to soothe, repair, and regenerate the lining of the gut and counters all abrasive effects of psyllium. They also help soften up the hardened mucoid plaque layer that has accumulated in most people's colons so that it can more easily be removed. The end result is a healing for the gut lining.
- Can absorb many toxins produced by Candida as it is being killed with AntiCandida programs as well as toxins produced by parasites that are dying when taking the Anti-Par Formula.
 Colon Detox Caps
- Perhaps the most important formula to use in an herbal detoxification program. It's also included in the Intestinal Rejuvenation Cleanse
- Slows down diarrhea (colitis, Crohn's, chronic diarrhea) and bulks up bowel movements.
- If you tend toward constipation or you have the average one bowel movement a day, take this formula with the Vibrant Colon Formula or Colon Starter Plus Formula
- It is very rare to find a conventionally trained medical doctor who has been using holistic healing methods for decades. These organic and wildcrafted herbs have been clinically proven in Cynthia Foster M.D.'s practice for over 20 yrs. Learn more about Dr. Foster
- Unlike other psyllium based formulas, which can be harsh and abrasive, this formula contains mucilaginous herbs that soothe and protect the intestinal lining
- This formula is virtually identical to the Colon Soothe Formula and one can be substituted for the other"
Learn more:
Important Info about Colon Detox Caps
Download the Intestinal Rejuvenation Program instructions and learn why it can be life-changing to remove the mucoid plaque layer.
Download the Mandatory instruction sheet for all products
Why Dr. Cynthia Foster, M.D. is Different and How She Can Help You
Hidden Signs & Symptoms of Toxins in your Gut
What is the Foster Method and Why Everyone Should Do It
Our Product Quality
Will Herbs Interact With My Medications?
Ingredients: New Nonconstipating formula: Organically grown/wildharvested herbs: Slippery elm, Activated willow charcoal, apple pectin, fennel seed, flax seed, marshmallow root, psyllium seed, and other supportive herbs.
Size: 230 Vegetarian Caps. At the average dose of 12 capsules daily, this formula will last between 2 to 3 weeks.
Cautions/Drug interactions:
Should not be taken in the same dose as any medication. Allow at least 1 hour before taking medications afterwards. Allow at least 1 hour after taking medications before taking this formula. In other words, leave a one hour window before and after taking this formula. It should be taken on a fairly empty stomach.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is an herbal supplement. According to the FDA, herbal supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
12 reviews
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Featured positive reviews:
A real life saver
By Alan Dale
This product works so well and has kept me out of the hospital. It is a real life saver. Pulls the crude right out of the polyps, heals them and eliminates inflammation.
Colon Detox Caps
By kty lund
I've been using the Colon Detox Caps for a while now and they work great in combination with the Vibrant Colon. I'll never be without them. Fantastic products !